This is my plan for the coming weekend. In hindsight, I should have done all this over Labor Day weekend, but what do you want me to say – I was busy watching Netflix and eating oreos. This is likely going to be an uber-rough post, so my apologies.
Format / Update
- Backup computer
- SQL databases should be backed up separately for easy retrieval…
- Format
- Install Lion, upgrade to Mountain Lion (I wish there was a ML thumb drive… Maybe I’ll format, upgrade to Lion, purchase Mountain Lion, roll my own and re-format to keep things super fresh/clean)
Restoration / Rebuilding
- Restore the bare minimum:
- Dev Frameworks
- Standard Apps (ST2, CS6, iTunes, etc.)
- Install new AMP stack if OS X-default isn’t sufficient
- I use an NMP stack currently… I’d love to keep using it but all of our client sites run on Apache… Perhaps Apahce on 80 and nginx on 8080.
- Reminder: Setup music proxy
- Reinstall Parallels and recreate my VMs (Debian, Ubuntu, Trixbox, Windows via Bootcamp)
Setup Version Control
I’m still thinking about how I want to do this, but what I’ve got so far, and very likely to change…
- Most likely git
- If possible, mirrored in two locations:
- External HDD
- My webserver
- Again, if possible, it should keep the last 3-5 revisions locally in case I need to revert without access to remote repo.
- Somehow this should all sync and not delete older local revisions until synced with the remote repo.
- I also want to write a script that will package a site / project when I’m finished… Ideally, it would:
- Export all linked databases (I’m fine with providing credentials and db names)
- Grab the latest revision
- Create a text file with:
- the path of the git repo
- the command I ran to generate
- the date, time, and location (work/home… manual entry)
- Tar it all and open a finder window with the file highlighted
I’m not sure if all that is possible because I don’t know nearly enough about git, or applescript / shell scripts, so this will be a good learning experience.
Final Thoughts…
Wish me luck.
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